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Clozapine - A Concise Clinical Overview

60 Day Free Trial – Part of your Hub Demo

Clozapine - A Concise Clinical Overview

60 Day Free Trial – Part of your Hub Demo


Welcome, from Learn It Online

On this page you’ll find all course related content, including instructions, references, downloads and when appropriate, course announcements. We hope that you find this course and its accompanying resources both enjoyable and beneficial. Please feel free to contact us with any observations or suggestions. We are always seeking to improve our services and therefore welcome any feedback.

Liz Roberts
Managing Director

Course Announcements

If we have made any updates to the courses, resources, references or helpful links, we’ll make a note of it here.

Course Introduction

This concise course is a condensed version of our comprehensive clozapine course and is tailored towards healthcare professional who are working in community or acute care settings. The 3 modules cover a wide range of topics, in particular blood monitoring and managing side effects. It also incorporates reflective elements, allowing the learner an opportunity to explore and understand the wider aspects of supporting people living with mental health conditions. 

The aim of this programme is to refresh or build on the existing clinical knowledge of healthcare professionals  with respect to clozapine. 

By completing this training, you will: 

  • Update or improve your clinical knowledge and understanding of the modes of action and uses of clozapine
  • Acquire evidence-based knowledge of the side effects and monitoring requirements of clozapine
  • Be familiar with the relevant available clinical resources, and where these are found
  • Be able to identify, prevent, minimise, or resolve medication safety issues associated with clozapine
  • Be competent in supporting your patients undergoing treatment with clozapine 

We recommend that you complete all modules in numerical order to gain the best experience. You may dip in and out of each module as you wish. 

  • You must complete and pass a summative assessment consisting of 12 randomly selected multiple-choice questions (MCQs) directly related to all elements of learning in each of the 3 modules, together with several case studies
  • You will only receive a certificate of completion when they have successfully completed all 3 parts of the assessment 
  • The assessment is divided into the following 3 sections:
  • Module 1 and 2: 6 randomly selected MCQs (for each module)
  • Module 3: 6 randomly selected MCQs and case studies 
  • The pass mark for each assessment is 80%
  • You can revisit the course content at any time whilst completing the assessment
  • There is no limit on the number of attempts to pass the assessment as a whole
  • Each question is worth 1 mark. For each multiple choice question you will have either 1 or 2 attempts to answer correctly, depending on the number of options 
  • For True or False questions you will only have 1 attempt to answer correctly

The course is accessible on any device however, some functionality may vary slightly on some devices. For the best learning experience, please ensure your browser is up to date and your display settings are set to 100% scale. If you have difficulties logging in or want to report an issue with accessing the course, please email and we will respond as soon as possible. If you have questions relating to the course or its content, please email

Whilst Learn It Online has made every attempt to ensure the accuracy of its courses and resources, the content provided should be taken as information only, and not as an alternative to appropriate medical advice. You should always seek the guidance of a qualified health professional about any questions or concerns you may have regarding your own or another’s health or medical condition(s). You should not delay, discontinue or disregard any medical advice or intervention as a result of information provided by Learn It Online. External links to other websites or educational materials are used at your own risk. Under no circumstances is Learn It Online responsible for the accuracy and security of third party websites or organisations.

Learn It Online is not able to respond to any patient-specific enquiries 

Any adverse drug reactions (ADRs) should be reported via the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA) yellow card scheme as well as, your organisations local reporting system. Any other patient-specific issues or queries should be reported via your organisation’s reporting system.

The content of this course is the property of Learn It Online. You must not attempt to copy, modify, duplicate, create derivative works from, frame, mirror, republish, download, display, transmit, or distribute all or any portion of the content in any form or media or by any means without the permission of Learn It Online.

Key Resources & References

At the time of publishing, all external links were checked and operational. However, be aware you access links at your own risk and some may be restricted or prohibited due to your organisation’s online security parameters. 

Last reviewed 26th July 2022


Author & Title: Stefan M, Travis M, Murray RM (Eds.) (2002). Clinical features.  In:An Atlas of Schizophrenia. London: The Parthenon Publishing Group, pp 11-30 


Author & Title: The Schizophrenia Commission (2012) The Abandoned Illness – Executive Summary. [pdf] available at:

Author & Title: NICE (2015). Quality Standard (QS80) Psychosis and schizophrenia in adults.p6. Available from

Author & Title: NICE (2014). Psychosis and schizophrenia in adults: prevention and management [online] Available from:

Author & Title: de Graaf R, Ten Have M, van Dorsselaer S. (2010) The Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study-2 (NEMESIS-2): design and methods. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res. Sep;19(3):125-41. doi: 10.1002/mpr.317. PMID: 20641046; PMCID: PMC6878518.

Author & Title: Saha S, Chant D, Welham J, McGrath J (2005). A Systematic Review of the Prevalence of Schizophrenia. [Online]. Available from:

Author & Title: Dean K (2005). Environmental risk factors for psychosis. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience. Mar; 7(1): 69–80.Pg 69–80. Available from: <

Author & Title: Meyer JM,Stahl SM.(2020). The Clozapine Handbook. Cambridge University Press..ISBN 978-1-108-44746-1

Author & Title: Kane J, Honigfeld G, Singer J, Meltzer H. (1988). Arch Gen Psychiatry. Clozapine for the treatment-resistant schizophrenic. A double-blind comparison with chlorpromazine. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1988 Sep;45(9):789-96.

REF NO: 10
Author & Title: Taylor D et al (2021). Schizophrenia and related psychoses. In: The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry. 14th edn. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Ch 1.

REF NO: 11
Author & Title: Seeman P. (2014). Clozapine, a fast-off-D2 antipsychotic. ACS Chem Neurosci. 2014;5(1):24-29. doi:10.1021/cn400189s

REF NO: 12
Author & Title: Kapur S, Seeman P. (2001). Does fast dissociation from the dopamine d(2) receptor explain the action of atypical antipsychotics? A new hypothesis. Am J Psychiatry 2001; 158: 360–9

REF NO: 13
Author & Title: Bazire S (2021). Selecting drugs, doses and preparations. In: Psychotropic Drug Directory 2020/21.Lloyd-Reinhold Publications Ltd pp218-220

REF NO: 14
Author & Title: EMC (2021) Clozaril Summary of Product Characteristics (Online). Available from:

REF NO: 15
Author & Title: Bleakley S and Taylor D (2013). Liver Impairment. In: The Clozapine Handbook. Lloyd-Reinhold Communications, pp.150-157.

REF NO: 16
Author & Title: Loebel AD et al (1992). Duration of psychosis and outcome in first-episode schizophrenia..Am J Psychiatry. 149(9), pp. 1183-1188.

REF NO: 17
Author & Title: Verma M, Grover S, Chakrabarti S (2021) Effectiveness of clozapine on quality of life and functioning in patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Nord J Psychiatry.75(2):135-144. doi: 10.1080/08039488.2020.1811374.

REF NO: 18
Author & Title: Meltzer HY et al (2003). Clozapine Treatment for Suicidality in Schizophrenia: International Suicide Prevention Trial (InterSePT),Arch Gen Psychiatry.  60(1), pp. 82-91.

REF NO: 19
Author & Title: Kesserwani J, Kadra G, Downs J, et al (2019). Risk of readmission in patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder newly prescribed clozapine. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 2019;33(4):449-458. doi:10.1177/0269881118817387

REF NO: 20
Author & Title: Parkinson’s UK (2018). Parkinsons symptoms.[Online].  Available from:

REF NO: 21
Author & Title: Idanpaan-Keikkila et al (1977). Agranulocytosis during treatment with clozapine. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 11, pp. 192-198.

REF NO: 22
Author & Title:  Rajagopal S. (2005). Clozapine, agranulocytosis, and benign ethnic neutropenia. 81(959), pp. 545–546.

REF NO: 23
Author & Title:  Haddy TB, Rana SR, Castro O. (1999). Benign ethnic neutropenia: what is a normal absolute neutrophil count? 133(1), pp. 15-22.

REF NO: 24
Author & Title: Viatris (2022). Clozaril Connect [Online]. Available from:

REF NO: 25
Author & Title: Flanagan RJ, Lally J, Gee S, Lyon R, Every-Palmer S. (2020)Clozapine in the treatment of refractory schizophrenia: a practical guide for healthcare professionals. Br Med Bull. 2020;135(1):73-89. doi:10.1093/bmb/ldaa024

REF NO: 26
Author & Title: Bleakley S and Taylor D (2013). Adverse reactions: Initiation and monitoring parameters In: The Clozapine Handbook. Lloyd-Reinhold Communications, pp.24-36

REF NO: 27
Author & Title: Pacia SV, Devinsky O (1994). Clozapine-related seizures: experience with 5,629 patients. Neurology. Dec;44(12):2247-9.

REF NO: 28
Author & Title: Potkin, S. G. et al (1994).Plasma clozapine concentrations predict clinical response in treatment-resistant schizophrenia. J Clin Psychiatry 55, 133–136.

REF NO: 29
Author & Title: Chang, W. H., Lin, S. K., Lane, H. Y., Hu, W. H., Jann, M. W. & Lin, H. N (1997). Clozapine dosages and plasma drug concentrations. J. Formos. Med. Assoc. 96, 599–605.

REF NO: 30
Author & Title: Bleakley S and Taylor D (2013). Plasma levels. In: The Clozapine Handbook. Lloyd-Reinhold Communications, pp.111-118.

REF NO: 31
Author & Title: Zaponex Treatment Access System (ZTAS).(2019). Zaponex Fact Sheet Clozapine metabolism and plasma level monitoring. Available from:

REF NO: 32
Author & Title: Ismail, Z. et al.(2012). Age and sex impact clozapine plasma concentrations in inpatients and outpatients with schizophrenia. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 20, 53–60.

REF NO: 33
Author & Title: Olsson E, Edman G et al.(2015).Genetic and Clinical Factors Affecting Plasma Clozapine Concentration.Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2015; 17(1): 10.4088/PCC.14m01704.. [Online]. Available from:

REF NO: 34
Author & Title: Public Health England (2018). Health matters: reducing health inequalities in mental health. [Online]. Available from:

REF NO: 35
Author & Title: Pillinger. T, Beck.K Gobjila. C et al (2017) Impaired Glucose Homeostasis in First-Episode Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, JAMA Psychiatry.74(3):261-269.

REF NO: 36
Author & Title: Dipsquale S, Pariante CM, Dazzan P et al (2013). The dietary pattern of patients with schizophrenia: A systematic review. Journal of Psychiatric Research [Online].  Available from:

REF NO: 37
Author & Title: Sockalingam S. Shammi C. & Remington G (2007). Clozapine-Induced Hypersalivation: A Review of Treatment Strategies, Can J Psychiatry . 52(6), pp. 377–384.

REF NO: 38
Author & Title: Syed R, Au K, Cahill C, et al. (2008) Pharmacological interventions for clozapine-induced hypersalivation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2008;(3):CD005579. Published 2008 Jul 16. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD005579.pub2

REF NO: 39
Author & Title: Hinkes R, Quesada T, Currier MB, et al (1996). Aspiration pneumonia possibly secondary to clozapine-induced sialorrhea, J Clin Psychopharmacol.16(6), pp.462-463.

REF NO: 40
Author & Title: Robinson D, Fenn H, Yesavage J (1995) Possible association of parotitis with clozapine, The American Journal of Psychiatry 152(2), pp. 297–298.

REF NO: 41
Author & Title: Bleakley S and Taylor D (2013). Adverse reactions: Hypersalivation. In: The Clozapine Handbook. Lloyd-Reinhold Communications, pp.76-85

REF NO: 42
Author & Title: MHRA (2015). Antipsychotics Elearning Module. [Online]. Available from:

REF NO: 43
Author & Title: Bourgeois JA, Drexler KG, Hall MJ (1991). Hypersalivation and clozapine, Hosp Community Psychiatry 42(11), pp.1174.

REF NO: 44
Author & Title: Dzahini O, Singh N, Taylor D, Haddad P. (2018) Antipsychotic drug use and pneumonia: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 2018;32(11):1167-1181. doi:10.1177/0269881118795333m

REF NO: 45
Author & Title: Galappathie N,Khass S (2014). Clozapine-associated pneumonia and respiratory arrest secondary to severe constipation. MED SCI LAW.;54.105-109–9.

REF NO: 46
Author & Title: Every-Palmer S, Nowitz M et al. (2016).Clozapine-treated Patients Have Marked Gastrointestinal Hypomotility, the Probable Basis of Life-threatening Gastrointestinal Complications: A Cross Sectional Study.EBioMedicine.; 5: 125–134.

REF NO: 47
Author & Title: Cohen D, Bogers JP, van Dijk D, Bakker B, Schulte PF (2012). Beyond white blood cell monitoring: screening in the initial phase of clozapine therapy. J Clin Psychiatry. 2012;73(10):1307–12.

REF NO: 48
Author & Title: Every-Palmer S, Ellis PM et al (2020).Constipation screening in people taking clozapine: A diagnostic accuracy study. Schizophrenia Research Volume 220, June 2020, Pages 179-186

REF NO: 49
Author & Title: Cohen D. (2017) Clozapine and Gastrointestinal Hypomotility. CNS Drugs. Dec;31(12):1083-1091. doi: 10.1007/s40263-017-0481-5. PMID: 29230675.

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Author & Title: Palmer SE , McLean RM , Ellis PM , Harrison-Woolrych M. (2008). Life-threatening clozapine-induced gastrointestinal hypomotility: An analysis of 102 cases, 69(5) pp.759–68.

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Author & Title: Bleakley S and Taylor D (2013).Gastro-intestinal hypomotility and constipation. In: The Clozapine Handbook. Lloyd-Reinhold Communications, pp.65-69

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Author & Title: Every-Palmer S, Ellis PM (2017). Clozapine-induced gastrointestinal hypomotility: A 22-year bi-national pharmacovigilance study of serious or fatal ‘slow gut’ reactions, and comparison with international drug safety advice.CNS Drugs, 31(8), pp. 699-709.

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Author & Title: Bleakley S and Taylor D (2013). Adverse reactions:Diabetes mellitus. In: The Clozapine Handbook. Lloyd-Reinhold Communications, pp.42-63

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Author & Title: Bleakley S and Taylor D (2013). Myocarditis and cardiomyopathy. In: The Clozapine Handbook. Lloyd-Reinhold Communications, pp.94-100.

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Author & Title: Bleakley S and Taylor D (2013). Drug interactions. In: The Clozapine Handbook. Lloyd-Reinhold Communications, pp.122-128.

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Author & Title: Care Quality Commission (2020). High Risk Medicines: Clozapine [Online]. Available from:

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Author & Title: Taylor D et al (2021). Miscellany in: The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry. 14th edn. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. pp897-805

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REF NO: 28
uthor & Title: Potkin, S. G. et al (1994).Plasma clozapine concentrations predict clinical response in treatment-resistant schizophrenia. J Clin Psychiatry 55, 133–136.

REF NO: 29
uthor & Title: Chang, W. H., Lin, S. K., Lane, H. Y., Hu, W. H., Jann, M. W. & Lin, H. N (1997). Clozapine dosages and plasma drug concentrations. J. Formos. Med. Assoc. 96, 599–605.

REF NO: 30
uthor & Title: Bleakley S and Taylor D (2013). Plasma levels. In: The Clozapine Handbook. Lloyd-Reinhold Communications, pp.111-118.

REF NO: 31
uthor & Title: Zaponex Treatment Access System (ZTAS).(2019). Zaponex Fact Sheet Clozapine metabolism and plasma level monitoring. Available from:

REF NO: 32
uthor & Title: Ismail, Z. et al.(2012). Age and sex impact clozapine plasma concentrations in inpatients and outpatients with schizophrenia. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 20, 53–60.

REF NO: 33
uthor & Title: Olsson E, Edman G et al.(2015).Genetic and Clinical Factors Affecting Plasma Clozapine Concentration.Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2015; 17(1): 10.4088/PCC.14m01704.. [Online]. Available from:

REF NO: 34
uthor & Title: Public Health England (2018). Health matters: reducing health inequalities in mental health. [Online]. Available from:

REF NO: 35
uthor & Title: Pillinger. T, Beck.K Gobjila. C et al (2017) Impaired Glucose Homeostasis in First-Episode Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, JAMA Psychiatry.74(3):261-269.

REF NO: 36
uthor & Title: Dipsquale S, Pariante CM, Dazzan P et al (2013). The dietary pattern of patients with schizophrenia: A systematic review. Journal of Psychiatric Research [Online].  Available from:

REF NO: 37
uthor & Title: Sockalingam S. Shammi C. & Remington G (2007). Clozapine-Induced Hypersalivation: A Review of Treatment Strategies, Can J Psychiatry . 52(6), pp. 377–384.

REF NO: 38
uthor & Title: Syed R, Au K, Cahill C, et al. (2008) Pharmacological interventions for clozapine-induced hypersalivation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2008;(3):CD005579. Published 2008 Jul 16. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD005579.pub2

REF NO: 39
uthor & Title: Hinkes R, Quesada T, Currier MB, et al (1996). Aspiration pneumonia possibly secondary to clozapine-induced sialorrhea, J Clin Psychopharmacol.16(6), pp.462-463.

REF NO: 40
uthor & Title: Robinson D, Fenn H, Yesavage J (1995) Possible association of parotitis with clozapine, The American Journal of Psychiatry 152(2), pp. 297–298.

REF NO: 41
uthor & Title: Bleakley S and Taylor D (2013). Adverse reactions: Hypersalivation. In: The Clozapine Handbook. Lloyd-Reinhold Communications, pp.76-85

REF NO: 42
uthor & Title: MHRA (2015). Antipsychotics Elearning Module. [Online]. Available from:

REF NO: 43
uthor & Title: Bourgeois JA, Drexler KG, Hall MJ (1991). Hypersalivation and clozapine, Hosp Community Psychiatry 42(11), pp.1174.

REF NO: 44
uthor & Title: Dzahini O, Singh N, Taylor D, Haddad P. (2018) Antipsychotic drug use and pneumonia: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 2018;32(11):1167-1181. doi:10.1177/0269881118795333m

REF NO: 45
uthor & Title: Galappathie N,Khass S (2014). Clozapine-associated pneumonia and respiratory arrest secondary to severe constipation. MED SCI LAW.;54.105-109–9.

REF NO: 46
uthor & Title: Every-Palmer S, Nowitz M et al. (2016).Clozapine-treated Patients Have Marked Gastrointestinal Hypomotility, the Probable Basis of Life-threatening Gastrointestinal Complications: A Cross Sectional Study.EBioMedicine.; 5: 125–134.

REF NO: 47
uthor & Title: Cohen D, Bogers JP, van Dijk D, Bakker B, Schulte PF (2012). Beyond white blood cell monitoring: screening in the initial phase of clozapine therapy. J Clin Psychiatry. 2012;73(10):1307–12.

REF NO: 48
uthor & Title: Every-Palmer S, Ellis PM et al (2020).Constipation screening in people taking clozapine: A diagnostic accuracy study. Schizophrenia Research Volume 220, June 2020, Pages 179-186

REF NO: 49
uthor & Title: Cohen D. (2017) Clozapine and Gastrointestinal Hypomotility. CNS Drugs. Dec;31(12):1083-1091. doi: 10.1007/s40263-017-0481-5. PMID: 29230675.

REF NO: 50
uthor & Title: DeHert M , Hudyana H , Dockx L , Bernagie C , Sweers K , Tack J , et al (2011). Second-generation antipsychotics and constipation: A review of the literature, 26(1), pp. 34–44. 

REF NO: 51
uthor & Title: Palmer SE , McLean RM , Ellis PM , Harrison-Woolrych M. (2008). Life-threatening clozapine-induced gastrointestinal hypomotility: An analysis of 102 cases, 69(5) pp.759–68.

REF NO: 52
uthor & Title: Bleakley S and Taylor D (2013).Gastro-intestinal hypomotility and constipation. In: The Clozapine Handbook. Lloyd-Reinhold Communications, pp.65-69

REF NO: 53
uthor & Title: Every-Palmer S, Ellis PM (2017). Clozapine-induced gastrointestinal hypomotility: A 22-year bi-national pharmacovigilance study of serious or fatal ‘slow gut’ reactions, and comparison with international drug safety advice.CNS Drugs, 31(8), pp. 699-709.

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uthor & Title: Rudolph JL, Salow MJ, Angelini MC, McGlinchey RE. (2008) The Anticholinergic Risk Scale and Anticholinergic Adverse Effects in Older Persons. Arch Intern Med. 168(5):508–513. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2007.106

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uthor & Title: Author & Title: PresQUIPP (2016) . Anticholinergic Drugs [Online]. Available from:

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uthor & Title: Handley, S., Every-Palmer, S., Ismail, A., & Flanagan, R. (2022). Clozapine-induced gastrointestinal hypomotility: Presenting features and outcomes, UK pharmacovigilance reports, 1992–2017. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 1-9. doi:10.1192/bjp.2022.24

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uthor & Title: Bobes, J., Arango, C., Garcia-Garcia, M., and Rejas, J (2010). Healthy lifestyle habits and 10-year cardiovascular risk in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: an analysis of the impact of smoking tobacco in the CLAMORS schizophrenia cohort, Schizophr Res. 119(1-3), pp.101-9.

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Last reviewed 26th July 2022


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uthor & Title: Every-Palmer S, Ellis PM et al (2020).Constipation screening in people taking clozapine: A diagnostic accuracy study. Schizophrenia Research Volume 220, June 2020, Pages 179-186

REF NO: 49
uthor & Title: Cohen D. (2017) Clozapine and Gastrointestinal Hypomotility. CNS Drugs. Dec;31(12):1083-1091. doi: 10.1007/s40263-017-0481-5. PMID: 29230675.

REF NO: 50
uthor & Title: DeHert M , Hudyana H , Dockx L , Bernagie C , Sweers K , Tack J , et al (2011). Second-generation antipsychotics and constipation: A review of the literature, 26(1), pp. 34–44. 

REF NO: 51
uthor & Title: Palmer SE , McLean RM , Ellis PM , Harrison-Woolrych M. (2008). Life-threatening clozapine-induced gastrointestinal hypomotility: An analysis of 102 cases, 69(5) pp.759–68.

REF NO: 52
uthor & Title: Bleakley S and Taylor D (2013).Gastro-intestinal hypomotility and constipation. In: The Clozapine Handbook. Lloyd-Reinhold Communications, pp.65-69

REF NO: 53
uthor & Title: Every-Palmer S, Ellis PM (2017). Clozapine-induced gastrointestinal hypomotility: A 22-year bi-national pharmacovigilance study of serious or fatal ‘slow gut’ reactions, and comparison with international drug safety advice.CNS Drugs, 31(8), pp. 699-709.

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uthor & Title: BMJ Best Practice (2020). Ischaemic bowel disease. [Online]. Available from.

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uthor & Title: NHS Online (2022). [Online]. Available from

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uthor & Title: Skomorochow E, Pico J. Toxic Megacolon. [Updated 2021 Jul 10]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 [Online] Available from:

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uthor & Title:Longstreth GF, Thompson WG, Chey WD, Houghton LA, Mearin F, Spiller, RC (2006). Functional bowel disorders. Gastroenterology, 130(5), pp.1480-91.

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uthor & Title: Rudolph JL, Salow MJ, Angelini MC, McGlinchey RE. (2008) The Anticholinergic Risk Scale and Anticholinergic Adverse Effects in Older Persons. Arch Intern Med. 168(5):508–513. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2007.106

REF NO: 62
uthor & Title: Author & Title: PresQUIPP (2016) . Anticholinergic Drugs [Online]. Available from:

REF NO: 63
uthor & Title: Handley, S., Every-Palmer, S., Ismail, A., & Flanagan, R. (2022). Clozapine-induced gastrointestinal hypomotility: Presenting features and outcomes, UK pharmacovigilance reports, 1992–2017. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 1-9. doi:10.1192/bjp.2022.24

REF NO: 64
uthor & Title: Leung, J. G., Nelson, S., and Hocker, S (2015). Failure of induced hypertension for symptomatic vasospasm in the setting of clozapine therapy. Neurocrit Care 23, pp. 409–413.

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uthor & Title: Bleakley S and Taylor D (2013). Adverse reactions:Diabetes mellitus. In: The Clozapine Handbook. Lloyd-Reinhold Communications, pp.42-63

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uthor & Title:Taylor D (2006). Antipsychotics-other adverse effects (weight gain). In: Schizophrenia in Focus. London: Pharmaceutical Press, pp. 159-162.  .

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uthor & Title: Lamberti, J.S, Bellnier, TSchwarzkopf, S.B (1991). Weight gain among schizophrenic patients treated with clozapine, Am J Psychiatry 149, pp. 689-690

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uthor & Title: Bernstein, J.G. (1998). Psychotropic drug induced weight gain: Mechanism and management, ll(Suppl. l), Clin Neuropharmacol.  pp. 194-206.

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uthor & Title: McEvoy, J. P., Meyer, J. M., Goff, D. C., Nasrallah, H. A., Davis, S. M., Sullivan, L., et al (2005). Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in patients with schizophrenia: baseline results from the Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE) schizophrenia trial and comparison with national estimates from NHANES III. Schizophr Res 80, pp. 19–32.

REF NO: 70
uthor & Title: Grubisha, M., Wilson, J., Gopalan, P. & Azzam P (2015). Suspected Secondhand Smoke and Clozapine Toxicity. Psychosomatics 56, 707–709.

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uthor & Title: Bobes, J., Arango, C., Garcia-Garcia, M., and Rejas, J (2010). Healthy lifestyle habits and 10-year cardiovascular risk in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: an analysis of the impact of smoking tobacco in the CLAMORS schizophrenia cohort, Schizophr Res. 119(1-3), pp.101-9.

REF NO: 72
uthor & Title: Lang, D. J., Barr, A. M., and Procyshyn, R. M (2013). Management of medication-related cardiometabolic risk in patients with severe mental illness. Curr Cardiovasc Risk Rep7(4), pp. 283-287.

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uthor & Title: Modai, I., Hirschmann, S., Rava, A., Kurs, R., Barak, P., Lichtenberg, P. et al (2000). Sudden death in patients receiving treatment: with clozapine. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 35, pp. 888–892.

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uthor & Title: Ray, W. A., Chung, C. P., Murray, K. T., Hall, K., and Stein, C. M (2009).  Atypical antipsychotic drugs and the risk of sudden cardiac death. N Engl J Med. 360, pp. 225–235.

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uthor & Title: Henderson, D. C., Nguyen, D. D., Copeland, P. M., Hayden, D. L., Borba, C. P., Louie, P. M., et al (2005). Clozapine, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and cardiovascular risks and mortality: results of a 10-year naturalistic study. J Clin Psychiatry 66, pp. 1116–1121.

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uthor & Title: Sheldon, R. S., Grubb, B. P. II., Olshansky, B., Shen, W. K., Calkins, H., Brignole, M., et al (2015) Heart rhythm society expert consensus statement on the diagnosis and treatment of postural tachycardia syndrome, inappropriate sinus tachycardia, and vasovagal syncope.Heart Rhythm 12, pp.41–63.

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uthor & Title: Safferman, A., Lieberman, J. A., Kane, J. M., Szymanski, S., and Kinon, B (1991). Update on the clinical efficacy and side effects of clozapine, Schizophr Bull.17, pp. 247–261.

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